Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a program of therapeutic horseback riding for persons with disabilities. To create a clearinghouse of information which may be of particular value and interest to disabled persons, their parents, and private, and public agencies and institutions with respect to the uses and benefits of therapeutic horseback riding.
EquiVenture Therapeutic Riding Inc. (EVTR) is a unique program in Howard County that provides therapeutic horseback riding to special needs children.
EquiVenture provides the opportunity for special youth to take advantage of the extraordinary physical and psychological benefits of horseback riding. The rhythmic motion of the horse acts as a powerful tool to improve documented benefits of strength, coordination, flexibility, and balance. Therapeutic riding programs have been witness to autistic children uttering the name of their horse, wheelchair-bound individuals walking for the first time after a riding session, and thousands of children and adults who have a renewed enthusiasm for life after climbing aboard a horse.
"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man."
- Winston Churchill
How We Learn
We at EquiVenture are very proud of our program. We are all dedicated volunteers who work very hard to provide a quality therapeutic riding program at no cost to our riders. EquiVenture focuses on improving each of our riders' potential through their equine experience as we help them meet the physical, mental, behavioral and social challenges of their special needs.
Activity Room
The children are exposed to a variety of equine themed ground lessons. We have learned about breeds, saddles, riding disciplines. With our horse anatomy lesson, we brought one of the Little Guys in and used Bingo daubers to paint the anatomy that we were studying. We have turned simple math and English classes in to fun learning experiences by using the horses as part of the lesson.
Riding Lessons
Classes are held in an arena, either indoor or outdoor (weather permitting). Lessons are conducted in small groups and last 45 minutes. In addition to the instructor, the rider is assisted by a leader for the horse and up to two sidewalkers for each client. Games, music, horse care and competitions supplement exercises and riding basics.
Sensory Trail
This is a rich learning environment through the woods with slopes, turns, varied footing, a bridge, natural sights and sounds, and man-made "activity stations." This integrated environment challenges the students' balance, stimulates their senses and encourages them to interact with the world around them.